Episode 061: Interview with David Peirce

May 14th, 2022

For our final episode of the season, we had the immense pleasure of speaking with David Peirce, a physiotherapist who specializes in working with musicians. He shares an incredible breadth of information with us, ranging from injury prevention for musicians, what he recommends for his clients, and why physical strength and conditioning are so important!

David's Bio:

David developed an interest in musicians’ healthcare following the launch of ASPAH (The Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare) at the 2007 IADMS conference in Canberra, Australia. He played trumpet and piano in his junior years and has maintained a love of trad jazz and classical music (his phone ring tone is Bach’s “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring”) Inspired by the work and mentorship of Assoc Prof Bronwen Ackermann (Sydney Uni), David has immersed himself in the field and consulted to the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, lectured at Queensland’s Conservatorium of Music and assisted hundreds of musicians to understand the physicality of their art form. He runs a Physiotherapy practice in Brisbane, Australia (www.smart-physio.com.au), is the Australian VP of ASPAH and is preparing a pilot study into the use of force measurement technology in the creation of strength and conditioning programs for instrumental musicians.

Show Notes:

Bronwen Ackermann 


Sound practices research 

Janet Horvath- Playing Less Hurt

Angela McCuiston

Queensland Symphony Orchestra  

Madeline Schaefer